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“Guruji Swami Maitreya, a guru who combines modern material living with spiritual life..."

Sri V.N. Vishnu, IAS, Commissioner, GVMC, Visakhapatnam

“Swami Maitreya, a multifaceted personality and spiritual guru…his concept of ‘living for the moment’ is the most important message for attaining happiness in life…"

Sri C. Ramakrishna, Financial Consultant, Director-MAA TV and CARE Hospitals

Swami Maitreya is a noble soul, and embodiment of “simple living and high thinking”…

Padmasri Dr. Shobharaju, Founder, President, Annamacharya Bhavana Vahini, Hyd.

Guruji Swami Maitreya provides distinct but seamless boundaries between body, mind and heart and how to use them in achieving enlightenment and divine way to living while being on mother earth…

Prof. Beela Satyanarayana, M.E.(MD), M.E(IE),, Ph.D. (IITD)

                        Vice-Chancellor, Andhra University, Vishakapatnam (AP)

Swami Maitreya is one of the greatest Gurus of our time… his concept of ‘live to moment is a superb technique which leads to happiness and peace…

Prof. P.V. Chalapathi Rao, MS FRCS(Ed), FACS, FICS, FIMSA, FAIS,

                        Director, Medical Education, KIMS, Hyderabad,

Swami Maitreya is an excellent narrator of Life and Love…

Sri S. Giridhar, Channel Head, TV1

The sayings of Swamiji are in fact multidimensional diamond studded spiritual ornaments. One who wears them would see truth clearly which is the essence of spiritualism…

Sri K. Siva Prasad, District Judge, Family court, Guntur, AP.

Swami Maitreya, an eminent spiritual guru has brought out the importance of the mudras for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits….

Prof. D.N. Reddy, B.E.,, Ph.D., FIE., MISME.,

Vice - Chancellelor,  JNTU, Hyderabad.

Swami Maitreyaji is an eminent master. With his own Life experiences for more than three decades he evolved a new lifestyle, which is an amalgamation of teachings of all world religions.

Prof. S. Pullaiah, M.Tech., Ph.D., L.M.I.I.Ch.E., President, SBIT, Khammam,

            Former Registrar, Controller of Examinations &

DEAN – Developmet&U.G.C affairs,  Osamaia University, Hyderabad.

Swami Maitreya, an eminent spiritual guru has brought out the importance of the mudras for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits….

Prof. D.N. Reddy, B.E.,, Ph.D., FIE., MISME.,

Vice - Chancellelor,  JNTU, Hyderabad.

©2022 by Swami Maitreya Sadhana

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