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  • Never keep your mind idle, as negative thoughts will be looking for an opportunity to fill the vacuum. Fill your mind always with positive thoughts, happy feelings and pleasant memories. Leave no space for the weeds of negativity to grow inside.


  • Wrong thoughts are like weeds in the garden of your mind.


  • Life is mastered, if mind is mastered; 

        Mind is mastered, if thoughts are mastered;   

        Thoughts are mastered, if breath is mastered; 

         Breath is mastered, if body is mastered.


  • The mind as your master is highly destructive and as your servant is immensely useful. Hence be a master of your mind and make it your servant.


  • Be selective in your thoughts as thoughts ultimately select your actions.


  • The body and the mind tend to absorb the negative language very fast. Hence beware not to use them.


  • To overcome a negative habit of criticism, create a positive habit of appreciation.


  • Modern man gives more importance to head than heart. He keeps on thinking, worrying, regretting, imagining and neglects the Divine qualities like love, innocence, warmth, beauty, appreciation etc.


  • Mind needs rest and renewal everyday so as to provide you inner peace and tranquility. Hence Meditate everyday without fail.


  • Always keep the mind as a passive instrument and never allow it to chatter without your permission.


  • Mind should only think when you want it to think and not otherwise. The most powerful thoughts are possible only when you don’t waste your thought.


  • Thoughts are like thieves, who are afraid to enter the house when the light of awareness is on.

  • Through wholesome thoughts, good will occur to you instantaneously. Through unwholesome thoughts, bad will occur to you instantaneously. This is the law of nature.


  • Mind is very indisciplined. It keeps on chattering even when you do not want its participation. It lives on your energy.Hence involve yourself in your work totally with hundred percent awareness.


  • The heart should rule at home; 

          The head should rule at job;

          The hand should rule in the society.

          Maintain a perfect balance between them.


  • All problems in life are due to impurities in body, prana and mind.  Feed the body with right food, feed the prana with right breath and feed the mind with right thoughts to purify them.


  • A continuous flow of thoughts in mind decreases the energy and creativity of the mind.


  • Just as darkness is the absence of light, so is the negativity in mind.  Build up positive virtues.


  • Thoughts that flow in the mind space, the words you speak and the deeds you do, impact the subtle layers of space. Your unconsciousness disturbs and vibrates the surroundings. Hence Meditate and maintain cleanliness all around.


  • The quality and quantity of thoughts is the barometer for the level of peace and tranquility inside you.


  • Identification with thoughts is suffering and misery. Dis-identification with thoughts is liberation and Bliss.


  • The past memory can damage your present state by many assumptions. Observe every experience as if it is taking place for the first time.


  • Negative things repeated over a period of time will alter the character of a person permanently.


  • Mind is a storehouse of all conditionings, accumulations, assumptions, illusions, experiences, beliefs, values, thoughts, plans, regrets, emotions, ideas, disagreements, desires, hopes and morality.

  • The word God is not God. The experiencing of Godliness is God.

  • God is not a word or an object or a form or a name. It is the oneness with the existence.

  • Where is the need to believe in God when the God is real!! Experience God rather than believing.


  • God is as real as Life. Experience Godliness in all the beautiful, peaceful and harmonious things around us.


  • Experience God through every person, every place, every situation, every experience and everything in the creation including yourself. God is inside you and around you.


  • The Man searching for God is like Fish searching for water, cloth searching for cotton and wave searching for ocean.


  • Experience God through your in what you see, through your in what you hear, through your in what you smell, through your in what you taste and through your in what you touch.


  • God is a Doctor for the disease called suffering and misery. Use his prescriptions of scriptures with love and respect, to come over the disease. Mere worshipping of the Doctor without following his prescription is a futile exercise.


  • The present moment is timeless and spaceless.

  •  The God holding conch and wheel symbolically represents that God is beyond time    and space. Hence the present moment is God.


  • ‘Being in the moment’ is the synonym of Godliness.


  • Non physical and non material form of worship is the highest towards God. At the highest consciousness spirituality is only concerned with the soul.


  • The merger with God can happen only through Meditation and absolute silence.


  • Just as images and pictures are important in the lower classes of education, so are the Idols and images of God to a spiritual seeker in the beginning days. The broader understanding of spirituality takes one towards Meditation.


  • Gross physical form worshipped makes us more gross and non physical meditated makes us more subtle.


  • Freedom from absolute bondage should be our spiritual quest. And the means to achieve that is Meditation.


  • The real Guru should be an Enlightened Master and an awakened soul endowed with practical wisdom of making the other Divine and blissful. His very presence makes others peaceful.


  • Guru is not only a servant of God but a servant of humanity with absolute humility and compassion.


  • The real prayer should not demand anything from God; the will of God should be accepted in totality.


  • Moderation and centering of sensory organs and organs of action are essentials for spiritual growth.


  • The dictation of indisciplined mind should not be mistaken for inner voice. Inner voice is accessible and acceptable only when the mind turns pure through Meditation.


  • All the external Gurus are only to awaken your inner Guru who is potential and hidden. Unless the inner Guru is awakened transformation of self will not take place.


  • Instead of removing in every life, we keep on adding because of the unconscious trap of mind. One should remember that removing is the purpose of our life.


  • The fundamental purpose of God is not to fulfill your wishes but to remove your and take you towards higher consciousness and Enlightenment.


  • Your real Master is your and all the external masters are only to purify your inner self.

  • Guru is the Divine Mother of the disciple. The child (disciple) transforms to a spiritual adult only when it matures through the silence and words that emanate from the parenthood of Guru.

  • The beauty of life is a combination of different emotions and situations. Enjoy the recipe and celebrate life as the Gift of God.


  • Live your life consciously and sincerely but never unconsciously or seriously.


  • Enjoy the small pleasures of life than chasing the so called bigger ones. Never miss the beauty of simple things around you.


  • While experiencing an object, feel the absence of all other objects. Then the experience of that particular object becomes total and divine.


  • Life is joyful and thrilling when participation is 100% and expectation is 0%.


  • Experience every situation as if it is God given and as if you are communicating with God through the situation.


  • Live your life totally, lest you should regret at the time of death for not experiencing the simple and beautiful things of existence and for converting the beautiful life into petty and ugly things like money, possessions and power which do not come with you anyway.


  • Live your day as if it is the final day in the world;

        Live every moment as if it is the last moment in your life;

        Then you will transform yourself to a moving God.


  • External dynamism and Inner tranquility should be the two wings of the bird taking a flight of our life.


  • Everything in moderation is good in life and anything in excess is bad in life.


  • Though time is limited, never sacrifice the most meaningful things like family, children, friends etc. Life is after all small with simple and innocent things around us.


  • Do not abuse the life energy by repeated recalls about some petty things of past like failures, enmity with somebody, ill feelings against spouse or neighbor, arguments with boss, misbehavior of a stranger etc.


  • Life is just fun, laughter, love, joy and beauty. Do not make it a serious affair ever. Live your life sincerely but never seriously.


  • Life is like swimming in ocean waters. One should not fight with the waves but use them to surf them and enjoy the ride like the Eagle uses turbulence of air to soar higher.


  • Anything that is not total in the existence looks for holidays and vacations. The secret of life is totality in participation.

  • Treat every moment as a gift of God. Let the body and mind be together, Let the organs of knowledge join with the organs of action in harmony. Then each moment of life becomes a play and fun; festival and celebration.

  • Every moment of life should be lived properly.Give the most to each moment and take the most from each moment. Don’t drive your life mechanically.


  • The present moment is only the reality. Hence live the present gracefully with awareness.


  • Fulfill your role correctly and lovingly.Feel each relationship Godly.Involve totally and thank God for whatever you have at the moment.


  • To be divine be wakeful and alert in walking, talking, listening, eating, drinking, sleeping and even in mating. Never be unconscious in any activity.


  • You are in the present only when you are in action without even a single thought.


  • The purpose of life is not just adding material comforts or releasing the symptoms of misery and suffering. Enlightenment and Bliss should be the ultimate aim of life.


  • The abundance of wealth is not richness but the abundance of is richness.


  • There are only situations in the world. There is nothing called as good and bad. It’s only your perception that makes it good or bad.

  • Every activity is a work to enjoy and play. Never in any moment feel the work as a burden. Do it sincerely but never seriously. Be alive totally in each and every moment of your activity.


  • The best way to become an effective planner and a good decision maker is by stopping the chattering of unconscious mind.


  • The very process of working is more enjoyable and fun than the result of the work. Hence, tune yourself for being with the process of working than the outcome of working.


  • Do it today what you would like to do tomorrow.

  •  Do it now what you would like to do today.


  • Be sincere and playful at work and never be serious and dubious.

  • Work should be fun and prayer all the times.


  • Work imposed isan energy sucker and  The work loved is an energy enhancer.

  • Every work is divine. Be with awareness and be wakeful in walking, speaking, listening, eating, drinking, sitting, sleeping and even in mating.

  • God accompanies us if consciously lived. 

  • Do the things you love and love the things you do. Just be playful and have fun.


  • Unconsciousness is a mechanical activity. When you are unconscious, the work load and energy consumption are far higher on the heart, brain, lungs, glands and many other organs.

  • When you are conscious, the frontal cortex guides the activity and there will be less load and energy consumption on the system.


  • How can you lead an organization if you cannot lead your own self?

  • No one can cause a negative emotion inside you, unless the seed of the same is present inside.


  • Do not show your anger on anybody as you only give them carbon copy and the original is retained with you. The angry man himself will suffer more adverse effects caused by anger than the person on whom he shows anger.


  • Emotion is ‘energy in motion'. When it is witnessed with equanimity, the base energy in motion transforms to higher spiritual energy.


  • All emotions are present inside the subtle layers of mind. The external situations only initiate the eruption of the emotions which are already present inside.


  • Any emotion when witnessed wholly and consciously cannot overtake you.


  • Every change in emotion changes the breath and sensation within the body. will allow you to master over your emotions.

  • The energy created in anger can be used creatively and constructively for physical development of body through exercise, at the time of anger.


  • A moment of acting a negative emotion makes the action real ultimately. The negative emotion can overshadow your original nature.


  • All negative emotions like anger, jealousy, hatred, sadness and violence will dissolve through awareness and equanimity.


  • All emotional garbage is contained within oneself. The external people and situations are only ventilators for our stenchful vomit.


  • Unwanted emotions overtake us causing extensive damage all around.

  • Meditation is a purification process of Mind.


  • Floor not cleaned daily will lose its luster; Meditation not practiced daily adds dross to the mind.


  • Meditation is total awareness with equanimity.


  • Meditation leads to mind management; 

        Mind management leads to self management;

       Self management leads to group management.


  • Health is possible through and .

      Happiness and Harmony are only possible through Meditation.


  • Breath is the external effect of the internal cause of thoughts


  • All perceptions of God are only imaginations. Don’t look for experiences in Meditation.


  • The ultimate goal of Meditation is realization of self.


  • Meditation cuts the Ego.


  • House can become a home;

      Earth can become a paradise;

      Islands can become continents; only through Meditation.


  • Meditation enriches your heart and it is the only gateway to heaven and God.

  • Bliss and beauty are hidden in this moment. Worry, tension, misery, stress, frustration and regret are always in the previous or next moments.

  • Happiness is harmony with surroundings and unhappiness is disharmony with surroundings.


  • Looking at what you have gives happiness and looking at what you don’t have gives  unhappiness.


  • Accept and live in whatever you have at the moment and immediately you will be happy.


  • Accept whatever comes every moment and participate in it hundred percent without any expectations. Hundred percent aliveness is happiness.


  • Lead an innocent, simple, ordinary life to be happy.


  • Without inner peace, external silence or beauty is useless.


  • Non-acceptance of our present state is a sure sign of unhappiness.


  • Thinking of what is not happening to you causes unhappiness and being with what is happening to you causes happiness.


  • Set your own pace in life and make a progress on your previous performance playfully. Never compete with anybody in life. This is a secret of happy living.


  • Happy people attract happy situations and unhappy people attract unhappy situation. One moves with one’s own attitude.


  • Lead an innocent, simple, ordinary life to be happy.


  • Without inner peace, external silence or beauty is useless.


  • Non-acceptance of our present state is a sure sign of unhappiness.

  • The very origin of a desire is the repeated non acceptance of the present moments in your past, affects the present moments of the future.


  • Nothing in nature tries to compare with the other. Every creature is unique and complete in the creation of God. It’s a misfortune that a human being always compares with the other and belittles God.


  • All attachments are impermanent by their very nature. Expecting them to be permanent causes suffering and misery. Experience the impermanence of all your attachments through the process of Meditation.


  • Non attachment comes out of fullness in participation with the organs of  knowledge ( Gnanendriyas ) and the organs of action ( Karmendriyas ). When participation is full, the mind will not have any urge for it to continue. Your inner being will gracefully invite the next moment.


  • The cycle of desires is never ending. The fulfillment of one desire leads to the next higher desire. Exhaust all the desires hidden in the mind through Meditation.


  • The all knowing God should also be knowing how to create you. In God’s creation manufacturing defects are not possible as he is not unwise.


  • Alertness in vision makes the object new and blissful always.


  • No property belongs to us; everything belongs to the Existence. Live with the same attitude.


  • Thoughts, desires and dreams are created by the unlived moments of the past.           Use money as a resource to uplift you materially but it can’t do anything       spiritually.

  • Love can only be given and not be demanded.


  • A person who cannot love himself cannot love others. You need to open your heart first, so as to touch the heart of others.


  • Love is enjoying the diversities and differences in human relationships.


  • Always appreciate and give positive marks to the family members, friends and colleagues for their good things instead of only giving negative marks for their bad things. It positively influences your relationships.


  • Never become a businessman in relationships, as profit, gain and advantages will only rule. Head should never dominate or ruin the heart in relationships.


  • Be liberal in appreciating and be a miser in judging.


  • You need not be heard by your wife, children, parents or subordinates.

      Start hearing the voice of your inner being.


  • Love and affection can thrive in between husband and wife, in between parents and children, in between employer and the employed and in between nations, only through Meditation.


  • Marriage should always be nourished with ideal nutrients of trust, responsibility, care and love.


  • Husband takes care of his vehicle much more than his own body/mind;  Wife takes care of kitchen much more than her own body/mind. And both complain that they don’t have time for their own self.

  • Death is an opportunity to throw away what ever is diseased, dirty, stale, wrong and useless and to take a new birth again.


  • Death is gaining everything new. A new body, new surroundings, new opportunities, new strength and support.


  • If life is ascendance, death is the ultimate step of ascendance.


  • The unlived and unconscious life results in the fear of death.


  • Death is a promotion to take up your next life. Why should anybody fear or hesitate to get a promotion?


  • The next birth can be with a different brain but it will be with the same mind of this birth.Hence clean the mind as much as you can.


  • Change is a natural process and expect it always. Every change uplifts you only to greater heights.


  • Never address to God that I have a great problem in front of me. But always address to the problem that I have a great God inside me.

      God silently will do his job for you.


  • Never be afraid of failures in life. Failures are the stepping stones for success.


  • Great people never succeeded without making mistakes. Never be disheartened by a mistake. Failures and mistakes are a part of growing up successfully.


  • The cause of all suffering is only the identification of self with the Body and Mind

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